My honey and I basically just took it easy today and relaxed, had naps together, and got to talk on the phone with some family. I had a few problems with pain, but no fevers today until now. The fever never hit 102.3 which is the danger zone for me. I won't be playing anymore with that; no more stubbornness; I promise. It got up to 101.2 and then all of my efforts (all of our efforts = yes he helped!) paid off. We got that fever knocked out cold and so cold that it got down to 97.8. It stayed pretty low most of the day but I was still pretty weak.
How awesome is that for teamwork? Well I'm still not out of the woods just yet, but I just need to make it through this weekend (4th of July Weekend). I DO NOT wish to be in the emergency room at all this weekend. Let all the fools who blew up their hands, had a DUI and crashed, or those innocent bystanders and much more; food poisoning from outside BQ's and so much more be addressed. I don't wish to add another number and risk waiting and ruin my honey's weekend; he has another day off and we can make it! I will see a doctor on Monday, get my blood, piss, and shit tests if needed; (I just don't want to go to the emergency room during the 4th of July Weekend!).
Yes, I call them often; surprised they don't all know me. I'm so thankful they are here in California; employed to help me. I always ask them where they are as I do all help, advice or Customer Service people. I need to know where they are. I hope they all get to keep their jobs here because I understand most of them (some English isn't so good so I tend to be the chemobrain that I am and have to ask for repeats of up to 20 times; sometimes I have to be directed to someone who speaks better English. Wow I suck sometimes but I just can't help myself for being the way that I am.
I want all of us to have jobs that can help each other. I just haven't accepted outsourcing of jobs just yet; I know Ebay is doing this because I have spoken with many customer service reps who I just couldn't understand their English very well and they couldn't understand me or my concerns. This is just one example of many. I hope everyone gets to go back to work and everything gets fixed soon. I know it will happen just like there will be a cure for my cancer sometime soon.
OK, enough politics discussed. No stress for me!) I had my yummy tuna melt that lasted me all day long, some yummy mac & cheese, Ginger snaps, and popsickles!) I made my honey an awesome breakfast and lunch! I tried my best to eat breakfast and could only eat a peach and 1/2 a slice of plain bread toast. I made him my favorite Cinnamon French Toast, perfectly scrambled eggs with ham & cheese, 1 slice of bacon (2 pieces = 1 sliced in half), and some tots! Then for his lunch, Turkey Club and mac & cheese. We didn't BQ, but we both napped quite a bit today and got to walk Blue Belle. I'm still feeling quite weak and can't really walk too far with out feeling too dizzy.
I also got to have an ultra long conversation with my mom where she reminisced about being a mother and seeing my brother catch his first fish. She was there and it was awesome to hear her version of the story. She will always remain to me an awesome story teller. I seemed to have remembered a photo of my brother but I can't locate it anywhere but it is ingrained in my brain of him holding up proudly a catch with him smiling really big and wide with some of his teeth missing; the cute little blond haired jack-o-lantern boy!)
Well anyway, she goes on with the story that he caught this small blue gill fish of some sort (I think I forgot what kind of fish it was but it wasn't very large), anyway he was so excited when the cork started bobbing, he didn't know exactly what to do so my mom helped assist him in realing in his first ever catch. I think he might have been 3-4 years old; but once he got it on realing it in; it was fun until the fish landed right there in front of him jumping like crazy. It may have even landed on his foot, but he turned around so fearfully and started running for the hills; he was still holding his fishing pole (was not about to let go of it) and thinking that that evil fish was chasing him as it bopped around after him on the string. He was crying up a storm and my mom had to go get him and help him. He was running just as fast as could through this pasture. What a cute story! Well now my brother loves to fish and of course those fish don't scare him any more. He catches big bass now and of course he lost his last cell phone in the fishing boat so now it stays in his beloved truck! It's got some sentimental value now being from his sister in California!)
Well I'm dealing as you can see with another fever, but intend to keep it under control as I did last night and plan on seeing a doctor; 1st thing Monday. I do feel strong enough to do this again; OK hopefully no more poo samples; that was totally and completely disgusting = I will do it again even though it sucked horribly to have to do. It's the price I have to pay to keep on livin! Just be happy you don't have to do the same. I'm toughing it out on a busy, busy Holiday weekend!) From my last doctor visit; I didn't have any infections in my poo or my blood; I did have a slight bladder infection which ended up being nothing; this is also my reluctance to go. I had 104 temperature one weekend (1st weekend my honey had off since starting back at work); just could not do it to him; so instead, I toughed it out the weekend and saw a doctor the first thing on that Tuesday. (I don't believe I had a fever at all that Monday but I did get scheduled to be seen by my doctor on that Tuesday).
So yes, these fevers to me are like "been there done that and can do it again!" I know that I can, but if it starts to get ridiculous we will see how my hardheadedness treats me. It's a holiday weekend that I wish to not be in the hospital. I have been to the hospital too many holiday weekends to count and I can't necessarily do that again. It was horrible to experience in the past and sitting in horrible pain waiting up to 4 hours to get an IV where I could have been at home treating what ever was happening to me; not sitting in an uncomfortable gurney while I wait and wait and wait and wait!( They give me and IV and then I just get fluids and that's it for another 4 hours.
4th of July in the Emergency Room is hell if you only have a fever and not a gun shot wound or a DUI. DUI's suck too, but not for victims of stupid accidents. People need to learn to be more responsible. I hope they do. I will be calling an advice nurse before I go to emergency; perhaps I can tough it out until Monday morning. We will see!) It's watch and wait but I have confidence. See I'm pretty tough at most life or death situations and have been in plenty of them to know. For right now, I am very much enjoying being at home so very much and am willing to take a cold shower tonight; for now it's cold compresses and plenty of popsickles, cranberry juice and plenty of water and fluids!) I can get though these blasted fevers.
Advice nurse will be called shall the fever exceed the danger point of 102.3. No worries for me!) Thank you all for your prayers and concerns!) It really means a lot!) Hope you all have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!)
I am so glad to hear you guys knocked that fever out! Teamwork kicks the most ass when it's kicking serious ass!
I wish you the best in keeping the fever down and pray you recover fully and completely!
You guys are good ...
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