I swear to GOD that when every I get up, I hear this whish of air which I think might be coming from of these very openings. I think it must be the gastic (large) tube that's make swishing noise. Trippy huh?
If you look closely at this photo you can actually spot tiny little stitches on the 2nd tube further down and this is the 2nd JP which actually leads straight inside my stomach; actually both of these tubes go right into my stomach. I have to get these removed in about a week inside the doctors office and in case I go home tomorrow; I will be showed how to take care of these. I can take showers; just short and some water can get onto my huge wound.
I am being monitored overnight because of a small happening right on my belly just below my belly button. See you can actually spot that yes, my staples were just being removed right there. There was maybe 18 more to remove.
I was such a chicken monkey; my honey was there holding my hand while I listened to my iPod full strength as my staples were removed. The tube was the absolute worst. The one on my right was removed (photo down below with the juice in it). It literally felt as if an intestine were pulled through a hole in my tummy. OMG! It hurt like a Bitch!!!!( It sucked so bad but it's over and now the rest will be next week.
I think the big one will be hard but I'm not wasting any more energy worrying about pain, but instead seeing my pets in my home with my loving darling husband. How I love them all! And of course updating all of you as I send my love to all of you! Here's to more of my healing journey! Love and hugs to all!!!)
Uff! Reading that has made my hair stand on end! CJ, you are unreal - so bloody chirpy - I love it. A can't even begin to imgagine what you're really going through here, but the fact that you can make it amusing absolutely floors me.
Chicken monkey?? heh heh - more like Boudica if you ask me. You rock girl, and I hope you're home soon.
Hurray for staples and 1 tube out. Wonderful, wonderful news that you'll be on your way home soon :-).
Thanks so much for calling yesterday. It was so nice to hear your voice. You sound so strong and healthy!
Your belly looks so much better with all of those staples out. ;)
I had one of those tubes removed once too - and it was such an odd feeling - like a slimy worm slithering its way out of my body. Bizarre.
I hope you go home tomorrow. It is so hard to get proper rest at the hospital, and I know it would do you a world of good to be home in your own familiar surroundings.
Big hugs to you!
If more people had even an ounce of your optimism and humor this world be outstanding.
I am so happy that you are going home. Take care.
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