I never expected that I would make such a difference to so many people's lives and in such a positive way. To me, this means that my life has meaning and this defines success. Life should be about making others feel better and in essence you feeling better that you touched someone else's life in such a way.
Of course I had to take pictures of these gorgeous flowers and the basket which included all of these wonderful items to help me relax and to heal.
What I was very impressed with just looking at this care package is that several people took all of their ideas of what its like to relax from pain or just from the chemo. Some of the items in this care package included a huge bouquet of flowers and then a beautiful basket which included Detox Teas, Lotions, Lavender, beautifully scented candles, Detox Foot Pads, and even some beautiful stones and crystals . All of which made me smile warmly because I knew this basket was full of love.
Just look at all of these items! You know I have gotten baskets from professional gift basket companies and this one was by far the best because it had personalization and love. I knew this just by spending time with my co-workers during lunch as I witnessed the extreme thoughtfulness of each individual. At work, sometimes we have these team building exercises to sort of help all of us work together and this sort of gift basket proved how well everyone in my group worked together.
Now as I experience these pains from the cancer or even better, the chemo killing the cancer (I always imagine the cancer is in pain while I am pain), I get to look at this basket, the flowers and be reminded that all of these wonderful people took the time to try to make me feel better and it works! It does make me feel better! This just makes my heart feel warm inside and the problems associated with my illness seem not so bad. It's just proof of the power of love and compassion. I even got several cards signed by everyone that I work with with personalized messages from everyone. With the scarcity of jobs out there and the economy failing, it really makes me feel good that I have a place in their hearts like that.
That Saturday morning as my husband and I were getting ready to go to the San Jose Bark in the Park, the door bell rang just briefly and my husband answered and then brought in this box. We opened up that box and found another care package from co-workers in another building that I work closely with. It included several personalized cards, some books to read, and movies. It was just another moment of heartwarming feelings and "Awwwwww" "those people I work with". There is just so much heart and warmth where I work and I'm so glad that me smiling (and having plenty to smile about) as I roam the halls actually motivates others in ways that I never understood. I am fighting this disease so hard and they are motivated that I put a face on such a disease that they hope to create that perfect cure.
Yes I get bummed that I was the one god picked to suffer with this disease, but I am glad that I have so many caring people in my life that are my family as far as I am concerned. They too help me in healing process. Its important to have a positive effect on others as you never know when that moment can happen; a life changing event where you get to witness what others can do for you to make you feel better or to just CARE.
I even got such a sweet message from one of the Admins that hit home for me:
1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for.
2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.
3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.
4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.
5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.
6. You mean the world to some one.
7. You are special and unique.
8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.
9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.
10. When you think the world has turned its back on you take another look.
11. Always remember the compliments you received.
Below are just some of the books (well its looks like Amazon won't let me show you the books) that one co-worker enjoyed so much that she felt that I too could enjoy and so far "The Birth of Venus" has been one of those books that you just can't put down. God Bless my Co-workers! Amazon.com is horrible at trying to display anything on their links. I am able to select the book that I want to display but then once I post it, it turns out that its just an Amazon.com banner and not the actual book. Sometimes the books will show up, but most of the time it is just an annoying yellow banner.
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