What can I say, I'm proud to be an American right now!)
I feel just like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders because I have to admit that I have been worrying about so many who are not doing so well right now; some are loosing their homes, their jobs, not having any affordable health care (even those who are diagnosed with serious diseases), seniors who are living without so much (while they have lived a full life, they still have to struggle for the rest of their lives), while the rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer.
We really need hope right now (fear just doesn't cut it) that things will get better for all of us. I know I should be worrying about my own health, but I just can't help but worry about others too.
I do feel incredibly privileged that I have survived this long with this horrible disease and that I actually got to witness history in the making; something that I thought I would never ever see in my lifetime. It just seemed so impossible. We even had our first woman running for President and she did incredibly well, although now we have an African American for our President and of course I did not just vote for him because of his skin color; that had absolutely nothing to do with why I voted for him; honestly. So many feel that most of us voted for him just because of his skin color.
I honestly really admired this young man immensely; mostly because of his strength and his inspiration. He worked hard and he put himself through school himself and he even graduated at the top of his class. That is something that I can really relate to and appreciate. There is nothing wrong with loving parents who put their children through school and college but it really says a lot about character when that child doesn't have those resources and utilizes what most usually don't care to.
I watched what could have been a serious struggle in watching so many who are unable to embrace change; they just continue to be racist with out even knowing what is in someone's heart. How can anyone live through life, feel good about themselves when they are unable to listen or just give someone else a chance?
Is this other person's life even worth giving them a chance? That's exactly how I look at it. How could anyone not give someone a chance because of their appearance and not even listening to what this person has to say? What if they teach you something important about life that you never knew? What if you have more in common with this person than you ever could have imagined? What if this person really is a good person and helps save lives, or helps others who really do need it, or just has a very incredibly interesting life? Heart and Soul.
I honestly really admired this young man immensely; mostly because of his strength and his inspiration. He worked hard and he put himself through school himself and he even graduated at the top of his class. That is something that I can really relate to and appreciate. There is nothing wrong with loving parents who put their children through school and college but it really says a lot about character when that child doesn't have those resources and utilizes what most usually don't care to.
I watched what could have been a serious struggle in watching so many who are unable to embrace change; they just continue to be racist with out even knowing what is in someone's heart. How can anyone live through life, feel good about themselves when they are unable to listen or just give someone else a chance?
Is this other person's life even worth giving them a chance? That's exactly how I look at it. How could anyone not give someone a chance because of their appearance and not even listening to what this person has to say? What if they teach you something important about life that you never knew? What if you have more in common with this person than you ever could have imagined? What if this person really is a good person and helps save lives, or helps others who really do need it, or just has a very incredibly interesting life? Heart and Soul.
Well, I still feel great even though I am kinda sorta not able to fully eat a real diet. I'm still doing soups, protein shakes, Ensures; trying to squeeze in some foods like steamed veggies, a sandwich, a piece of a brownie or a cookie (I tried).
I am blessed to have the strength that I was able to go on a long walk around the Bay and that was such a gift! It was such a beautiful day (77 degrees) and to not be able to drink coffee was no big deal because that walk was all the I needed to wake up. (yeah I was feeling like a nap towards the middle of the day). I am still weak from loosing some weight and not being able to eat fully but I'm not suffering in pain. I do have to break down my meals but in all my system seems to be working more and more each day.
It was cool that I got to go to the bathroom at least 30-40 times through out the day (that's what a liquid diet will do for you). Hey at least I was going! I sure know what its like to not be able to go!)
Now I did try on most of my pants and many unfortunately look as if I have a number 2 (poopie) hanging in the back there. It really looks like Frumpity, frump, frump, frump, frump!)
Don't get me wrong, I love to go number 2 and it's a great day if do and yeah today was a very good day for me in that department! It's a different thing if you wear pants that make you look as if you have a load going on back there. Go ahead and laugh at these. I did find some pants to wear and they barely fit. This is just 1 pair to give you an example.
I have been on this yo yo diet for a few years now and I literally go through all of the sizes from size 12 down to size 1. Well now I am about a size 2 or 3; pretty tiny for someone as large boned as myself. I look much better with meat on bones, but you really have to pay attention and try not to wear pants that make your butt look like you have some poopie just hanging around back there. Not a good look but at least I can laugh at my poopie pants!) I have 9 pairs of poopie pants right now and even a pair of brown ones!)
I just have 1 more day to find some pants that fit and on Friday, I already have some great jeans that actually fit pretty good for right now (at least when they come out of the dryer). Real skinny pants and I'm washing those tonight!
I also have Yoga class tomorrow for which I am very excited about. I will update as soon as I can on how that goes!)
Frumpity, frump, frump ;) You rock, babe.
I know it's not a good way to lose weight but I bet you look fine in your pants, doesn't look so much like a # 2 as a little butt. Just tell yourself that!
I'm also glad for the new president and worried about so many not having any money right now. My job whichever one I go with depends on people spending and if they are just buying groceries and necessities which is what they SHOULD be doing cuts down on jobs and it's a vicious circle. Have a good week!
I'm from the Philippines and I adore Obama. I hope he really can bring change. =)
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