Well I dropped my dad off at the airport. We sure had a good visit connecting on so many levels. We never really got to spend that much time together when I was a child because of my parents separating and my mothers alcoholism. Alcohol tends to affect many families and for me, it just made me not wish to be "like that" where the child is the parent of the parent.
We talked about painful things from our past that really needed to be said and to clear things up that had been confused over the years. Families really need to communicate and that is what we were able to do with this time together. We now know each other much better even though we don't think the same way politically. We just know better than to discuss politics and we can live with that.
He had trouble understanding why I had forgiven my mother for all the horrible things that I had happened to me during my teenage years and as I explained, it all made sense. My mother drank very heavily and was not around when I really needed her to be. I kept this pain inside for so many years until I got diagnosed. It was then that I realized that I needed to make amends and to actually forgive her in my heart and soul in order to continue my journey of healing.
After dropping off my father at the airport I had to go to the hospital for my "note to return back to work" and the last remaining 4 pills of my chemo (so now I have only 5 more days of chemo pills left no including tonights pill). I had to take Miss Blue Belle with me who made at least 10 or more people walking around the 1st floor of the hospital smile.
When I got home, there was a message on my machine about the results of my latest CAT scan. Those results are pretty good compared to my last scan. The tumors on my lung and liver have reduced in size while the one on my abdomen has also reduced in size. The results were overall good so it does seem the chemo is working. We will see how well I can work and be on chemo. I think I will do fine since I did work 6 weeks after a major surgery and the start of chemotherapy when I was first diagnosed. I do feel this extended break has done my body and soul some tremendous good!)
Glad to read this latest update. Wishing you the best this Christmas!
Awesome! Congrats! and all that! :-D
I found your blog through a review I got on LinkReferral. The site I followed up on posted a blog about you.
I know 3 women personally who have survived breast cancer and my great-grandmother had had cervical cancer. I understand how much strength it takes to fight the good fight and I wanna wish you the best of luck in all you do. You're an inspiration.
I am really glad to hear you had a nice visit with your dad. It's nice to get to know our parents as adults. I hold onto memories of my parents long gone now. But my last days with my dad I will treasure for the rest of my dad.
He was an alcoholic and I had a very difficult childhood too. But I've managed just like you to move on.
You sound like a great cook. Two big meals! Most of us are doing good to get through with the one. Good luck getting back to work. Happy Holidays
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