Well this time I am trying my best to give all of your more updates as I get them. I am scheduled for a CAT scan
at 2pm on Wednesday in the Cancer Treatment Center. If the tumor is too close to the bowels; there could be trouble and/or we may not be able to treat the tumor with radiation;
3rd choice might be for me to research into chemotherapies
that maybe can be injected right into the tumor (now that would be nice now wouldn't it.
Well I finally got my very first peace of hate mail directed towards me and I thought I would share it all with all of you, but I'm decided not to; I have made peace with this person I am happy to say. I will tell you a little about it but both of us are over the whole misunderstanding and apparently he was a she; that kid was an adult; The email was horrid and it did hurt my feelings but now that we have made peace it is time to move on to more fun things that happened today.
I had recently joined a group on Facebook in order to promote the legalization of cannabis where I found several places to post my opinions and also what I have learned from my own research on Cannabis
. Well anyway I had posted just below another person who had posted that they believed it to be less dangerous than alcohol ; I then posted directly below with some my research (I was having fun spreading word on something I knew a lot about and that I am very compassionate about!) Hell it is what is saving my life! Well then I saw a post from another user who had posted a poor me scenario, that he has no money for weed, that he is addicted and that he is very moody
and basically it just seemed this person was just feeling sorry for themselves Maybe this person was mad that we were trying to get it legalized (just like all other drugs pharmaceutical and/or alcohol, food (arrest all people who are addicted to food?), or shopping (yes, people get addicted to shopping= should we outlaw shopping?) in many ways I think that could be a good idea for many, and then cigarettes; people become addicted to all kinds of things; why should we further punish this amazing plant further; it's not harmful; it is a fact that there are no deaths in all of history that resulted from Cannabis ingestion; I mean more people die from suicide resulting from finances, and caffeine) really no reason to not legalize right? It's wasting taxpayer dollars locking up stoners who really don't harm the environment, themselves or others.
Now in talking about this child; look at this child in the photo? That Prepubescent child is actually this 40 year old woman? I'm even flat chested like child!) Imagine that? Looks can be extremely deceiving!) Maybe that's why I still get IDed when trying to purchase alcohol for my honey. That's not my husband in the photo; just a very good friend of his and mine. He's like family to us!
I also got many long, emails in my inbox (from this same person) and tons of spam on my facebook page and no I refused to read all of that; but they did threaten me with a lawyer and I really don't have anything of value except my gem husband (he is worth more to me than any amount of money; I will fight tooth and nail for him), my service dog (I will fight tooth and nail for her too and she for me and of course my honey will too), then my cat Tonto (I think he can take care of himself). We are poor; why would anybody want to sue us? Sue someone rich for a change; I don't make a dime from this blog; not even from all that advertising; maybe $10 a year if I am lucky; but I promise not to spend it all in one place; the sole purpose of my blog is to inspire and to get stuff off my chest as I battle this beast called cancer.
(I thought this photo had lots of artistic possibilities)
I was completely and totally misunderstood about this person and how they handled themselves towards me in this short amount of time we had taken to get to know each other. I had no idea and as far as I was concerned; this person could very well have been a child abuser thinking those kinds of thoughts about a cancer patient who really just wanted some peace and love in this world. Hell we need it; too many awful people out there and not enough sweetie pies. I want everyone around me to enjoy life; you never know what tomorrow brings; it's always a surprise. Things always happen for a reason; just be very thankful for what you do have; oftentimes so many of us get so involved in trying to get to tomorrow that you don't get to enjoy what is right now around you or what this very moment brings. I didn't know nor did I understand the situation at all and mostly assumed due to a hate mail and some pretty messed up responses on a Discussion Forum
about Cannabis vs Alcohol.
I did get a sufficient apology from this person so I will not post the email; and will simply delete it and never look back. Just move forward and enjoy this day and all the fireworks and that our country is still strong because of it's people and definitely not because of all those stupid silly politicians!
I don't really care what I have had to go through in this journey; I just don't want it to be all for nothing; if I can affect other lives in many positive ways or just to help others see the light and to not be so depressed about their own live
s; well then my life is worth living
and I have certainly done some good with it. I never claim to be some Mother Teresa in any sense of the word (I'm definitely not that perfect and I do have my own faults which also includes being hard headed, extremely stubborn, and yes very opinionated too; I just can't help it
), but I do try my best to be there for my family and friends and do what I can to help others who really need it.
(I thought this photo had lots of artistic possibilities)
I was completely and totally misunderstood about this person and how they handled themselves towards me in this short amount of time we had taken to get to know each other. I had no idea and as far as I was concerned; this person could very well have been a child abuser thinking those kinds of thoughts about a cancer patient who really just wanted some peace and love in this world. Hell we need it; too many awful people out there and not enough sweetie pies. I want everyone around me to enjoy life; you never know what tomorrow brings; it's always a surprise. Things always happen for a reason; just be very thankful for what you do have; oftentimes so many of us get so involved in trying to get to tomorrow that you don't get to enjoy what is right now around you or what this very moment brings. I didn't know nor did I understand the situation at all and mostly assumed due to a hate mail and some pretty messed up responses on a Discussion Forum
I don't really care what I have had to go through in this journey; I just don't want it to be all for nothing; if I can affect other lives in many positive ways or just to help others see the light and to not be so depressed about their own live
Anyway enough of that; we have had such a great day to celebrate; I got to ride my gorgeous bike
Will hopefully provide a video update soon!
Read your post. What an immature, gutless, spineless jerk that dared to corresponded to you! I cannot understand why someone like that gets to have kids and has what seems to be only superficial (not REAL) problems and is allowed to take up precious space on this earth. A question I will be asking my maker when the time comes. I'm glad you blocked him and I hope he's not anywhere near where you live. I'm glad you shared the rantings and profanity of this useless scum with the rest of us. I think sharing helps to get things out of your head. He is obviously severely disturbed and not worth taking up space in anyone's mind. Enjoy your Holiday!
Peace, love and jerk-free day to you!
Thanks so much BJ! That meant a lot; not that his meaningless, immature, spineless email had any effect on me; but it did help me a lot to exposed the little shit to the world! Let everyone know what a coward he is.
I have to say, you have a lot of strength to fight with your research. You are right not to take it personally. You are not doing anything wrong. You have a terminal illness that is stealing your life from you. I wish you many more successes and more strength in your battle. You have inspired my best friend, who is also fighting Ovarian cancer, which they believe has gone to the brain. Thank you for keeping everyone posted and updated. You are truly a courageous woman.
You know what I feel? I don't take your illness lightly and I know you are fighting to stay alive but you are more alive and vital than most of us and will outlive us with that sense of humor and vitality you have. Did that make sense?
Thank you so much for keeping us updated on your health. I think of you many times each day and wonder how you are feeling. As for the jerk, he's obviously a worthless piece of protoplasm that has no life and nothing better to do then harass someone like you, who has so-o-o much going for her, like your will to live, the love of your husband and pets, and all of us out here who check daily to see your updates. You're right not to fret over someone who seems to relish trying to make people unhappy. Let us know how the scans of your bowel turn out. I'm sending lots of prayers and hugs. Love ya, Deb
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