Well that one nurse who had come over last Sunday (yes, she freaked me out initially), but I gave her some more chances to redeem herself and tonight I actually got along great with her finding out that she is a cat person who does likes my unusual kitty with a very round face. She's actually very sweet and my honey tends to be a very good judge of character and he felt that she may survived something major in the way that she walks. I walk pretty funny with my chicken legs and my cat walks pretty funny with his big feet and tummy that almost drags on the floor. None of us are perfect. I feel bad that I practically judged her as being someone different all because she more than likely was just shy or just acted a little weird towards me. Hell I like weird people; all kinds of people make the world and country great. Sometimes, I love to just sit in public areas and just people watch; its kind of facinating to me.
Well because I am on this antibiotic; I have to get my blood drawn every couple of days and it totally sucks that my picc line is not working for blood return and we were there just last week to see about unclogging it and sure enough that nurse was able to get a blood draw out of both catheters? How in the hell did she do that? I had to get some more blood samples done today (yowie, owie!). I totally despise needles; especially needles intended to be used on my poor defenseless little veins. Oh they do roll like crazy; more rolling than Blue Belle does for a treat!
My picc line is not working at all for blood draws and she actually did a wonderful job getting blood out of my tough ass veins and I was pretty impressed; less so that other day as I was still a bit wierded out by her. I'm glad I gave her some more chances before saying I didn't want to see her again; she isn't so bad? I can forgive and forget pretty easily these days. I know most people I am around genuinely care about me and how could I remain mad at anyone over stupid shit. The blood samples have been needed because of my antibiotic baby bottle looking thing. It's hard to believe this little contraption actually dispenses medicine with out the use of some pump? I have to take it twice a day and it does take about 2 hours to diffuse into my system. Did I even use the proper terminology for that?
This photo is of what it looks like after it has been diffused; the balloon is totally deflated and it almost looks phallic? The photo above this one is what it looks like before it is diffused; that kind of a huge balloon in there? I seem to be learning more and more each day about this dreadful disease that my body continues to fight with out the aid of more chemo and radiation. All these little weird contraptions that do things for my body!) I'm done with all that for now. I may or may not get better; but either way I do have a journey to travel and not sure where I will be going after all of this? I hope this antibiotic can kill this Staph Infection; there is no guarantee if it will work for mine.
Now for the rest of my blog. Check out my beautiful Christmas Tree! I love it! Tonto really loves it; he likes to see it from all angles of the house; he has been tripping a little on the lights but you can tell by his face that he loves it!)
I do know that my blog may be incredibly scattered as I tend to write so much about how I feel and what's clearly on my mind; especially things that bother me. Well this post will be incredibly scattered at many tend to be. It's a rant, bitch fest if you prefer to call it that?! It really helps me to get everything out there and if what's in my mind could possibly help others; then so be it! Feel free to speak your mind too in my comments section. You would never be judged!) OK sometimes my posts might even annoy many of you but I can't help but vent about what's on my mind. If there are those who don't like it, get offended; I am sorry, just close the window!) I'm not about to shut my thoughts off as long as I'm still around!)
Well because I am on this antibiotic; I have to get my blood drawn every couple of days and it totally sucks that my picc line is not working for blood return and we were there just last week to see about unclogging it and sure enough that nurse was able to get a blood draw out of both catheters? How in the hell did she do that? I had to get some more blood samples done today (yowie, owie!). I totally despise needles; especially needles intended to be used on my poor defenseless little veins. Oh they do roll like crazy; more rolling than Blue Belle does for a treat!
This photo is of what it looks like after it has been diffused; the balloon is totally deflated and it almost looks phallic? The photo above this one is what it looks like before it is diffused; that kind of a huge balloon in there? I seem to be learning more and more each day about this dreadful disease that my body continues to fight with out the aid of more chemo and radiation. All these little weird contraptions that do things for my body!) I'm done with all that for now. I may or may not get better; but either way I do have a journey to travel and not sure where I will be going after all of this? I hope this antibiotic can kill this Staph Infection; there is no guarantee if it will work for mine.
Now for the rest of my blog. Check out my beautiful Christmas Tree! I love it! Tonto really loves it; he likes to see it from all angles of the house; he has been tripping a little on the lights but you can tell by his face that he loves it!)
I do know that my blog may be incredibly scattered as I tend to write so much about how I feel and what's clearly on my mind; especially things that bother me. Well this post will be incredibly scattered at many tend to be. It's a rant, bitch fest if you prefer to call it that?! It really helps me to get everything out there and if what's in my mind could possibly help others; then so be it! Feel free to speak your mind too in my comments section. You would never be judged!) OK sometimes my posts might even annoy many of you but I can't help but vent about what's on my mind. If there are those who don't like it, get offended; I am sorry, just close the window!) I'm not about to shut my thoughts off as long as I'm still around!)
I'm not much into being Politically correct in any way; I don't understand why. It just seems that many people get offended way too easily and therefore more and more rights for many of us are then taken away. We can't do this and we can't do that and we can't say this and we can't say that? Are we supposed to walk on pins and needles in order to be around some certain types of people? Why can't we just be ourselves? We do still live in a free country supposedly?
OK, I'm not at all about people name calling and being mean to others, but I am about making others laugh; because laughter is so important! Life should be about happiness and enjoying our lives here!) I feel that most people should just get over it and not having any sense of humor or understanding of others?. They should at least learn how to put themselves in others shoes (NO Being totally selfish and self centered!= teach kids that too!) to better understand them rather than to be totally intolerant of them. That's how we can better get along with others! Give everyone a chance and if they screw up then they screw up! Greed is what is harming our country and if people can learn how to be more giving and considerate of others perhaps then our Country can return to being one of the best countries in the world!)
OK, I'm not at all about people name calling and being mean to others, but I am about making others laugh; because laughter is so important! Life should be about happiness and enjoying our lives here!) I feel that most people should just get over it and not having any sense of humor or understanding of others?. They should at least learn how to put themselves in others shoes (NO Being totally selfish and self centered!= teach kids that too!) to better understand them rather than to be totally intolerant of them. That's how we can better get along with others! Give everyone a chance and if they screw up then they screw up! Greed is what is harming our country and if people can learn how to be more giving and considerate of others perhaps then our Country can return to being one of the best countries in the world!)
Because so many have too much time on their hands, they tend to think of things that annoy them rather than "what can I do to make things better?". If they have so much time; I do know that hospice and some animal shelters, hospitals always needs volunteers. It would make so many of these bitter individuals feel so much better! Giving yourself to those who really do appreciate it really feels amazing. I felt great every time I was able to take Miss Blue Belle to visit with other patients. I can't really do that anymore and oh how I wished that I could!) It almost lit me up like a Christmas tree just to see their happiness and smiles. Shoot, I just walk her in a shopping center and the smiles I get are just amazing!) Yes, do something good for a change for those who feel like tromping on others rights to be free in this country!)
Many people here in CA are mad at Motorcyclists for having such loud pipes and what scares me is that 2011 is the last year that you can get a motorcycle with loud pipes (from what I understand). Loud pipes, as annoying as they may be (its only for just for a few seconds as they pass by= hey their lives are so totally worth it despite what many look like!), THEY SAVE LIVES! You can't hear them, they don't get noticed and then someone looses their life. How fucked up is that? (excuse my language but really! We are talking about someone's life. That's the harsh truth to those in their huge SUVs with their loud children with all kinds of noises and disruptions inside their vehicle as they try to get where they are going in a rush. I just hope and pray that there isn't a huge spike in motorcycle fatalities because of the silly stupid law. Hey its a very stupid law! It's sad but I really don't feel that those lawmakers passed that law with out any considerations for those poor riders. What about all that so many do in their cars and all of their distractions. Phones, GPS, many have blue tooth devices and can't hear low sounding motorcycles or even notice smaller vehicles on the road. Until their distractions are taken care of, those pipes should be LOUD! There that's my vent about that!)
I can't believe all of the silly laws that occur when much are what we would do in the privacy of our own home is our business! What business is it of theirs if I have to use my medicine when I'm in pain? or others for that matter? We are talking about my favorite wonderful miracle plant!) Yes, I'm totally against raping children, taking advantage of them (actually taking advantage of anyone), harming their innocence, but as long as it doesn't involve the harming of a child. One sitting in their own home, alone after a long hard, stressful day at work; they would be able to relax and smoke a joint, or even watching a good porn movie with a lover should not be a crime?
Some people actually want to outlaw Pornography
completely because they feel that its harmful for society? Just because its bad for one person; doesn't mean it's all bad for all of us? I'm OK with Pornography
that is legal (disease testing, of age participants who are willing= many have fun?) What really is wrong with that? Many men become addicted to pornography
just as many become addicted to coffee, alcohol and cigarettes. I don't believe that it's totally harmful for all; much of it actually helps many marriages and at times it can also end a good marriage. Hell it's helped my own!) You can just look at the Catholic Church
to find out the harm of NO sex. In reality, most men really can't live with out it unless they get castrated. Many are wired for sex! I do believe that we should absolutely castrate all rapists and child molesters in my opinion= we have to castrate all male dogs right?). I don't feel that many are no better than dogs when they rape young children or anyone who never asked for it.
Maybe sex is bad for one person but great for others? Don't feel you have to ruin it for everyone else if it sucks for you? We really shouldn't have to deprive the rest of us? What will we be if people can't speak their minds or do fun things in the privacy of our own home? We should have a right to our own bodies; our own homes, they are not the property of the State or the Federal Government
? OK maybe we are?
Maybe sex is bad for one person but great for others? Don't feel you have to ruin it for everyone else if it sucks for you? We really shouldn't have to deprive the rest of us? What will we be if people can't speak their minds or do fun things in the privacy of our own home? We should have a right to our own bodies; our own homes, they are not the property of the State or the Federal Government
Punishments should fit the crime and having a joint and getting a year in prison is not at all about fitting the crime in any way. The real question is how does that joint harm society and warrant a one year prison stint? Do we really wish to train more violent criminals
? That's what happens when you put someone who might be very young, inexperienced in with hardened criminals who have killed and the only thing this person has done is smoke a joint
? Many states really need to rethink and rewrite their laws and do consider those draconian punishments
I also don't feel that drug addicts should be treated as criminals when it technically is an illness. You can just look at a drug addict
and see that they really are sick. You can't even see their soul if they are consumed so much by addiction. Arresting a total junkie and putting them in prison, treating them as a criminal will make them a more dangerous criminal
, but if we give them treatment they will ultimately get better if they don't relapse (everyone deserves a chance), but if they do, treat them again but please don't create a more dangerous criminal! Treatment
works for most alcoholics so why not with all non violent drug offenders? We could actually make more room for real criminals (murderers, thieves (yes, some addicts do steal for their habits and that's not right; that's where the law get broken) and save our states from having to cut so much into Education or health insurance.
Despite all that I am going through; I still can't help but feel horrible for all of those patients in all of those other states where Cannabis is illegal
. This weekend was a very trying time for me. I suffered so especially in the late hours of the night with serious, serious pain. I could not have gone through it if it were not for my beloved "Volcano Vaporizer
". What an amazing investment that was!) I can't say that enough.
It's even illegal for growing for industrial use even though those types of plants don't even have enough traces of THC (no one can get high on Industrial Hemp
I do know the pain and suffering that so many patients are going through and it sickens me that so many worry about those poor murderers and pure animals that are on death row? They worry more about their rights than the rights of these poor patients it seems. These poor patients should be offered the best medical care and if cannabis would benefit them in any way; it should be made available to them. Denying good medicine
to anyone who needs it is wrong and I have no idea how those who do feel they should be denied can even sleep at night? This medicine has been used safely for over 10,000 years; what was so horrible that happened to this miracle plant in the last 40 years? That's just me. I don't feel Health Care
should be a privilege as so many feel it should be (only the wealthy and not the sick?). I would much rather pay for health care for all rather than to continue to support the failed and dumb ass War on Drugs! It's so clearly not working; just as Prohibition in the 20's and 30's worked. It makes our country less safe than it was over 40 years ago.
Many of those on death row
have NO conscious, no love in their hearts and pure hatred for life as they have clearly proved (what about the rights of those they murdered, raped, or seriously hurt?) and we worry more so about them suffering than the many hundreds of thousands of Cancer patients going through horrid chemical treatments
with serious side effects that is actually real pain and suffering; not pain from being stuck by a needle; they get stuck hundreds of times. I still cry sometimes just by getting stuck by a tiny needle? Many patients end up dying from the treatments rather than the cancer? I still wonder if Elizabeth Edwards
died from her treatments more so than the cancer; she really was cheated out of more time. This is just my opinion but I will be researching this further as my curiosity has grown.
I still consider myself very lucky even though my days are numbered. One gift I hope to have by Christmas
is an end to this staph infection in my bladder and kidneys
; here's to those baby bottle thingies working. OK, now this posting was incredibly scattered and I apologize for that; but I got everything out of my mind for now; until tomorrow! It will be a blessing once again to wake up again to another excellent day!) Peace and Love to all of you!)
You are so sweet, I believe you changed that nurse for the better. She should be thanking you for letting her take care of you. My family has five nurses in it and not a one would make a patient feel bad for any reason.
The world is a better place with you in it and I can only hope to have your dignity and outlook when I get closer to the end of my journey with this horrible disease.
Love the pictures !
You really do have a heart of gold. Thank you by the way for the info on juicing mowee wowee.
God Bless you and your hubby and as Christmas approaches, I pray that pain and misery subside in order for you to relish the love of the day.
Peace and love
Precious Jayne and wonderful husband. I wish for you both a wonderful Christmas together. I hope your intestines behave for a while, Jayne, so you can taste some good flavors. Love to you both. Merry Christmas.
You are a gal with a philosophy similar to mine. I respect and admire your spirit and find it very inspirational as I go through my own struggles.
I hope your Christmas is filled laughter. I know it is filled with Love. What else is there?
Good thing I don’t have any errors with my ears.
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