I ask this question myself daily. What's most important? Are those bills that never seem to go away, are those most important, the news, a TV show that has you sucked in away from your loved ones, getting to work on time, filling up your tank, things you may have or could have said?
I am hoping that after you read about what I am enduring, you at least reflect on how lucky you are and to be quite honest, we are all lucky in our own ways.
As I watch Caesar, the Dog Whisperer talking about living in the Now, it really makes the most sense and he is right about the importance of right now. Enjoying the time with loved ones or just having great experiences, great conversations, and enjoying the present!
Imagine life living like your dog does in the right now. Not worrying at all about the past, just on how to improve the future? Wouldn't this world be a much better place. Of course we learn from past mistakes, but we have to move on and enjoy our time here.
How do I feel right now? I often ask myself that question daily. If I am in pain, I deal with it but I refuse to stress out over results of my CAT scan (I hate a CAT scan on Monday, July 21st). They may find that the cancer has spread to more places but for me, I'm alive right now.
I felt the importance of this CAT scan to mostly find out why I still can not fully digest food (still after 3 months) and it is due to my intestines narrowing from scar tissue or over time. I just hope that from these results, we can find a way to fix me. For right now, I have to eat once ever other day and sometimes I just can't help it and I try to eat just like a normal person, but boy do I suffer in pain when I do. It's like I am getting taught a tough lesson each time. It is getting easier because I feel pain when I walk by some really delicious foods, such as cheese stuff and more.
Complex foods are a real challenge for me to digest. My intestines make so much noise when I do eat something complex like a sandwich, pizza, or a danish. It sounds exactly like bad pipes and I can watch as my stomach swells in pain as it roars in the attempts to get the food to pass through. I just want a solution and not to have to suffer in pain much longer although the pain level is under control most of the time.