My techniques and treatments work simply for me and may not produce the same results for others. Cancer is a very tricky disease in which it is very different in everyone it touches. No two cancers are the same just as we humans are not the same. What works for me may not work for others.
I love life and expect to live for as long as I can. I intend to use those treatments that do work for me which includes medicinal cannabis. I'm still alive with this disease over 7 years later because of this miracle plant and as long as I have my medicine available; I intend to survive many more years. I hope one day the Federal Government will eventually grow up and be led by true leaders who represent the people and not just coorporations; real people who live by the Golden Rule "treat others how you would want to be treated". I also hope the Government of the US can finally learn to admit that it has made a mortal mistake in making this life saving plant which is provided by GOD and does indeed have the ability to provide all of us with food, fuel, clothing, shelter, and medicine; a mistake that have made is that it is illegal. Yes, it was a mistake out of greed, ignorance, and racism that this miracle plant is illegal. This is a confirmed fact and we should all know and face it.
Cannabis is not at all harmful and in fact quite the opposite. Perhaps our economy can once again grow as it has in the turn of the century by making this life saving plant legal once again.
The contents of this blog including all images, (except images from third parties) and the name "Shopping Kharma - what comes around goes around" belong and copyrighted to C. Jayne Armstrong 2008-2010
© 2010 All Rights Reserved
I am always concerned upon seeing a message relating to 'objectionable content'. Not that I'm afraid of the content itself but more the garbage that often comes with it, such as adware, spyware, etc. I'm curious though because I didn't see anything objectionable here. Do you have any idea at all what's going on with that?
Well to be quite honest, the objectionable content is me suffering from an incurable disease. I utilize what the government considers a very, very dangerous drug. The pain the I suffer is intense and I often relieve myself of this pain with the very dangerous drug, marijuana. That is part of the objectionable content. I couldn't think of any reason why my Adsense account was suspended. There isn't any adware here, just honest truth and that too can be objectionable.
How bizarre. I see plenty of objectionable content on the web daily but what I see here is an honest woman speaking her truth.
I am shocked (shocked!) that this and your other great blog - the Peaceful Liberal - has a warning message. Why? Maybe because you are actually saying something vital, something alive, something that the banal clutter.
We live in an upside down world.
Lots of good energy eminating your way.
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