Anyway I am still in severe pain and unable to sleep much; the gurney had been rubbing up against a new tumor that was just found on my back (damn it!( It hurt like hell and what we had failed to realize was that it was past time to change my Fentanel patches. Yes this is why the pain was so severe and I even start convulsing and hitting myself uncontrollably. I hate pain so much!
I almost felt like I was put inside a tiny broom closet and ignored the whole night but I still managed to get about 14 doses of dilauded throughout the night which didn't do much to ease the horrid pain I had been going through. The young nurse tech that was taking care of me on Tuesday morning (5/11) told the hard truth of what I was facing; he told me that with just 2 doses of Dilaudid
he would have slept for 2 days and with 14 it could have easily killed him. I thought to myself; "wow! I must really be tough; I'm ready to battle the war called cancer; especially with the love of my life!"
I almost felt like I was put inside a tiny broom closet and ignored the whole night but I still managed to get about 14 doses of dilauded throughout the night which didn't do much to ease the horrid pain I had been going through. The young nurse tech that was taking care of me on Tuesday morning (5/11) told the hard truth of what I was facing; he told me that with just 2 doses of Dilaudid
As far as my gastric tube was concerned; they were not able to stick the original tube back in; but they were able to stick something temporary in to keep the hole from closing up. I felt that Interventional radiology had to know me enough to know what kind of tube to stick inside me; I am not one who eats my food with a feeding tube; I use it simply to drain shit out; I must have told them over 100 times and they had stuck the very same wrong kind in me before. How I wish I would have opened my eyes during the surgery and not had the faith that I had in them that they would insert the right kind but for some odd reason I had trust.
Well I got to go home with the wrong tube stuck in my body the next evening and that I was still in a shit load of pain as I got in the truck with my honey; I just so damn happy to be going home. Hopefully the upped dose of Fentanol would do the trick and help with the pain. It was only a matter of days before we were back in Interventional Radiology getting the correct tube put back in me. They really did think my tube was for feeding? Wow? I told them it wasn't and they still put the wrong tube in? It still really baffled me as I had told them that I needed it for just simply draining?
I am going in tomorrow morning actually the major surgery is scheduled for 2:30pm tomorrow afternoon to put in an internal pain pump. I won't be updating my blog for a while since this old hospital is with out internet access; I should be in the hospital through out the weekend and perhaps the week too since it usually takes forever for me to fart or shit after any surgery. So here's to me farting and/or better yet shitting right after the surgery! Peace and Love
to all of you and may this surgery work. I should be able to have a much more normal life and without so much pain. I will explain the pain pump in a later post.
GOD bless you
Thinking of you and hoping you're doing well after the surgery.
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